

Typing Master is really good. Specially helps you in your spelling and or in your grammar. I think I was doing well because my results went up all the time and it gets easier every time we work on Typing Master. The hardest part of this typing test was that you would have to change the fonts. Also on what you write because it had to be perfect, without errors. One of the things I really don’t know what is the difference between Gross Speed and Net Speed. My goals for this would be to do better and to be faster at typing.


My Peer Evaluation

I evaluated Mark Aquino's web page.
  • Different Font Styles (2)
  • Different Font Colors (1)
  • Pictures (1)
  • A Table (0)
  • Two Anchors - with links to them (4)
  • Links to websites (3)
  • A Background color and/or image (4)
  • An embedded video (3)-can't see video.
  • saved correctly (1)
  • Overall Effort & Effect (4)
Mark did a really good job on explainig and being brief on what he is writing. I didn't know what was Recon and now I know what it is. What he should do is add more pictures. Also add a tabla and change color fonts. I think he did a really good job on his web page.


Web Page

I have learned a variety of thing by creating a web page. One of them is that you can create a web page by Dreamweaver. Also, I learned how to do a table where you can put a lot of information. Another thing is how to change font colors and use an Anchor. I think that Dreamweaver in the best web site to create a web page.


How do you think it should affect you in school?

Social networking should affect you more than it seems to. I think it just affects you when you are really addicted to it. Also knowing people you don’t really know or even met yet. Sometimes it’s really dangerous when you use it like if it was something you have to do every day and add people because you like to add them. I think it will be really safe if you just know what to do with it.

Affects me in school

I think social media doesn’t affect you in school. Sometimes it does affect me because instead of doing homework I want to go on and contact people. I think most of my class mates do that sometimes. I think for right now the social networking is affecting me positively. Social media would be one of the things I would just keep on doing for the rest of my life.


Social Media

I am really involved in social media. In fact every day I am involved in social media. Social media also known as social network is one of the biggest changes in the world. People contact each other every day through social media. Without it you won’t know people, contact them or even make plans to go somewhere in the weekend. All I have to say that social media is one of my favorite ways to contact people without contacting them in person and it is useful.